Club Night with DJ
DJ had travelled down from The Midlands to be with us, and we thought it was definitely well worth it. David has an impressive back history and although he’s been tutoring for many years now, his enthusiasm shines through and inspires. He made the evening fun and light-hearted.
The photo challenge.
The demo was all about achieving correct tonal values to capture the light on water with movement and drama.
DJ had already primed the canvas. He started the demo by adding a grey base coat using white, raw umber, a touch of purple and yellow ochre. It’s important to spend time getting the colours and values correct from the start.
Next came the horizon and the clouds. DJ likes working wet into wet to achieve the atmosphere and moody effects. He gave us advice on how to hold the brush, move our arm, what brushes, paints and mediums to use.
He uses a perpex palette because it’s light and easy to hold.
Adding the sun’s rays or ‘God’s Fingers’ was an interesting technique. He made it look easy.
After the break and a catch up with each other, it was time to add the next stage - wave and beach detail. DJ advised us when to use a brush or palette knife; how to get the tonal progression. As if by magic, his work just came together.
Nearly there. Some foreground detail is important.
Wow ! we’ve got lots to practice. And the good news is that DJ will be running a day’s workshop at Turnberries for Club Members on Saturday November 2nd. Save the date.