Art and Friends,

Tea and Biscuits

Thrive as an artist and form new friendships

For over 60 years our Thornbury Art Club has been a place for like-minded people who love to paint together and share experiences in a friendly atmosphere. Our monthly events are a perfect opportunity to meet local creatives while listening to accredited artists give talks, instruct and demonstrate their particular techniques. Tea and biscuits during the breaks are the best part, of course.

Read our Latest Blog Posts

  • “An artist is not paid for his labor but for his vision.”

    James McNeill Whistler

  • “A man paints with his brains and not with his hands.”


  • “Every good painter paints what he is.”

    Jackson Pollock

  • “Only when he no longer knows what he is doing does the painter do good things.”

    Edgar Degas

  • “There is no must in art because art is free.”

    Wassily Kandinsky

  • “I shut my eyes in order to see.”

    Paul Gauguin

  • “Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.”

    Pablo Picasso

  • “Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.”


  • “It takes a very long time to become young.”

    Pablo Picasso

Follow us on Instagram to see more photos.

More Fun & Success Together

More lively and fun

There is always lots of fun in groups, and the way people bounce ideas off each other often leads to some highly interesting results.

Bring your ideas to life

As well as learning a lot from how other people use the pencil, joining an art club is a great way to meet new people with shared interests.

Sell your vision to others

Benefit from the knowledge of our members in the member area of our website where everybody is invited to share their experience and support each others. Some of us are professional artists. Learn to present your work and ideas with confidence.

Make friends

You might be surprised how many likeminded people there are in your area. Some of us are professional artists and some just paint for fun. We all enjoy spending time together. Not everything has to be about painting together. Sometimes we just want to enjoy coffee and cake or go for a walk with other creatives. Why not?

Choose your starting point

Explore memberships & events

Club Nights for Non-Members

Talks and painting demonstrations by accredited artists.

Tickets can be purchased at the entrance.

You can pay card or cash.

Free car park on the premises.


  1. Club nights

2. Monthly newsletter

3. Exhibit in club exhibitions(excludes hanging fees)

4. Day workshops (additional fee required)

5. Members only groups via Discord & WhatsApp

Membership & Studio Group

  1. Club nights

2. Monthly newsletter

3. Exhibit in club exhibitions (excludes hanging fees)

4. Day workshops (additional fee required)

5. Members only groups via Discord & WhatsApp

6. Studio groups every week to paint together with other members

7. First visit is free of charge for you to try before you buy

Our Studio Group Times

Non-Members are welcome to visit during our studio hours to see what we are up to and to ask about memberships in person.

First visit in the studio group is free of charge.

Bring something to draw, paint or craft and have a cup of tea with us before you make a decision.

Tuesday 1.30pm - 4.30pm

St. Mary’s Church Hall, BS35 1DR

(free car park)

Thursday 1.30pm - 4.30pm

St. Mary’s Church Hall, BS35 1DR


Get unlimited access to our members only groups on Discord & WhatsApp with tutorials, recommendations and meet-ups.

What our members are saying


joined in 2008

Question: What’s best about art club?

Apart from tea and biscuits, you mean?

It's a great group. People are very friendly, they are happy when they can talk about your painting. You can go around and look at other people's paintings and what they are doing. And they do varied things. They don't do all the same by any stretch of imagination. They do all sorts of different things. It's very interesting to see what other people do. Sometimes you get comments on your own and sometimes they are pretty direct.


joined in 2011

Question: What is the art club for you?

It's my life, my social life!

The best thing about art club is the friendliness of the group. Everybody is so friendly, and they are all able to give advice when you need it.


joined in 1969

You can allow yourself that certain time every week where you're able to do some painting. At home you're always much too busy doing other things. But here you just come along and sit and do your own thing for three hours and it's lovely. And also the people are lovely as well.

If you like making things or making marks. It's all about making marks. You can come along and bring anything really. If you fancy painting or drawing or even stitching. You can come along and sit with us. And then in our lovely break, where we have tea, coffee and biscuits, we all wander around looking at each others work, have a good discussion about it and get ideas.


joined in 2013

The art club is good for my mental health because I live with a husband with dementia. I just enjoy the socializing as much as the artwork and learning from others. When I joined I didn't know anybody here but I found good friends at the art club.

Let’s kickstart your Art Journey

We’ll be with you every step of the way.