A Moment in Time
Back in 2015 a book was published, filled with works and words of members of the Thornbury Art Club. We invite you to have a look at a moment in time.

Thornbury Art Club in our 50th Year
Many of our members would be happy accept commissions.
Let us know if you are interested. Some of the contact details are listed next to the picture so you can contact the artist directly. For commission request you can always write an email to Mary, our chairperson.
Find out more about our history starting in 1965 by reading an article from the book written by our former chairperson Tricia.
Pencil drawing
Still Life
Artist: Julie Adams
“I have been a member since 2012 and am very keen on drawing and painting in watercolours ever since I remember. After bringing up a family and now retired, I hope to put into practice the many useful tips and advice seen at Thornbury Art Club.”
Impression of Thornbury Castle
Artist: Di Aldrich
“This was created in the U3A art class at the Castle School Octagon in the art class run by Anita Hardwick. I was learning how to use acrylic.”
Oil painting
Waymark on Cotswold Way
Artist: Ben Barman
“We enjoy walking and we walked the whole of Cotswold Way. We were very moved by the wonderful autumn colours an the waymark directed us into a wood. I tool a photograph for the record and later painted the scene. I use water-mixable oil paints since they are more friendly for our Monday morning painting group (even the low odour turpentine smells!)”
Artist: Connie Bell
“I like this painting because it reminds me of summer.”
Still Life
Artist: Lucy Blenkiron
“I was inspired to join the Art Club by my parents - both of whom are creative and multi-talented - and their fascinating reports of the demonstrations by visiting artists that they had enjoyed at club nights. This pastel still life, created years ago, calls me to paint again.”
A Lakeside View
“I joined the art club in its very early days in The Chantry, having been given a box of 12 oil colours. Unfortunately, other commitments forced me to stop painting temporarily. Years later I discovered pastels. I paint from photographs, but never just copy. I always add my own features.”
Artist: Tom Blenkiron
Mixed media, mainly acrylic
Monty Panasaw
Artist: Sandra Bond
“I was inspired to join the Art Club by my parents - both of whom are creative and multi-talented - and their fascinating reports of the demonstrations by visiting artists that they had enjoyed at club nights. This pastel still life, created years ago, calls me to paint again.”
Blackmore End Lodge
Artist: John Clark
“This was our first family home, although the third home we owned. Both of our children had their early lives there. I am glad that it was also my first painting of only a few completed. It was in acrylics, probably the medium in which I still feel most home, in about 1989.”
A Quiet Corner
Artist: Jenny Copperthwaite
“I was first introduced to Thornbury Art Club in late 2006. My husband had died in November and a dear friend, who had assisted in his care, brought me along to the Thursday Studio Group. I was immediately impressed by the warmth and welcome I received. Long may it continue.”
Winter Warmth
Artist: Christine Deahl
“After years of painting landscapes etc. in pastel, oils, watercolour, I decided to attempt abstracts in acrylic. This painting entitled 'Winter Warmth' is meant to suggest the love and strength of a family group with the texture of a woolly scarf, while the background suggests the smooth ice and mud of winter.”
Artist: Eleanor Drewett
“This picture was taken from the front page of a Country Life magazine. I used pastel pencils which I find a very good medium for creating different types of hair and fur and for shading. I enjoy drawing and painting animals enormously because of the diversity of creation.”
Artist: Pauline Dyde
“Having just moved to Thornbury I wanted to get to know people and improve my painting skills. I went to the Armstrong Hall to view the local Art Exhibition where Barbara McNamara and Jack Puddifoot were stewarding. They were so helpful and informative. I have enjoyed Art Club ever since.”
Tropicana, Havana Cuba
Artist: Wendi Ellis
“I have been painting for over twenty years. I spent the first ten years trying to make my painting look like the photograph and the next ten years trying to make my picture NOT look like the photograph! Thanks to all the club members who have inspired me en route.”
Sunset Over Wales
Artist: Janet Green
“My interpretation of the fabulous sunsets we see across the River Severn, over the Black Mountains in Wales.”
Artist: Margaret Hall
“Most of my paintings is inspired by wild animals and birds, and the wild places my husband and I love to visit.”
Sea Fever
Artist: Anne Harrison
“I am drawn to all things pertaining to water be it rivers, the sea, but especially boats, reflections, and pigment colour. I prefer to work with paint but there are times when other mediums are appropriate. Illustrating poems such as John Masefield's Sea Fever is also source of my inspiration.”
St. Mark's Square, Venice
Artist: Joan Hawkins
“My painting was achieved in two stages. During the holiday in 2006 in the square and at home later when I had to use my memory assisted by photographs, which were not as interesting as what I had seen during my original start to the painting. Venice is full of artists busy in groups or singly and I would love to return one day to paint more of the lovely subjects available.”
Summer Ends
Artist: Roy Hooper
“I have been a member of the Thornbury Art Club for a good number of years, gaining much from my membership and the varied activities which take place. Thank you to all.”
Whiz Bang
Artist: Yvonne Hopton
“I have wanted to try painting, when I turned a certain age I decided to have a go. I have enjoyed seeing the talented artists who demonstrate for us, I feel we learn a little more each time. Also the many friends I've made with Thornbury art group also Severnside. I am persisting with watercolour as a medium as I love the gentle effects, although I'm happy to try out any medium. The name of the painting is 'Whiz Bang'. It is in the style of Paul Weaver, (from his demonstration and workshop) who makes everything look so easy I look forward to many more lessons and maybe slight improvement.”
Santa Maria, Barcelona
Artist: Sue Hunter
“I painted this little pictures in water based oils from a photo I took in Barcelona. We are a choir (Cadence and Continuo) who frequently take trips together and on this occasion we had just sung a selection of anthems in the Santa Maria church facing the scene in the picture – a good holiday memory.”
Drawn in Wire
Artist: Jane Jeffs
“Some years ago lots of other artists from SVAT told me I must join Thornbury Art Club and I am so pleased that I did! As a textile and mixed media artist, tutor and painter, which can be very solitary, I really enjoy the opportunity to mix with other artists. The demonstrations and excellent outings are so inspiring!”
Wherry Fine Sailing Weather
Artist: Ian Larkin
“ In my mid-40s, an exhibition of realistic fuchsia watercolours in the library re-awakened my interest. Monthly Art Club demonstrations also inspire – e.g. Michael Wilcox with his limited palette range of watercolours which I try to use to produce bright colours. Working with others in our studio groups also gives encouragement!”
Horses in the Mist
Artist: Clare Macintosh
“I started painting 7 years ago. U3A drawing classes were very helpful but good painting tuition proved hard to find! But now I am embarking on the third year of a part-time painting foundation course. It's hard but very enjoyable work. Oils are likely to remain my favourite medium.”
Bird of Paradise
Artist: Rosemary Millar
“I have been a member of the Art Club for a number of years. Time does not permit me to paint as much as I would like but I still enjoy attending Life Drawing classes as well as painting birds, flowers and animals.”
Mud Flats at Low Tide
Artist: Patricia Latham
“I had fun with this pastel! I had arrived at workshop, ill prepared, without sketches to work from. Amongst the available material provided was a photo that evoked memories of windswept coastal walks. The urgency of getting something down on paper meant there was little time to be 'precious' … and that gave me a tremendous sense of freedom.”
Autumn Glory
Artist: Heather Morgan
“I use Batik techniques for the majority of my work. Batik is an ancient art form and uses wax resist and dyes to create totally unique effects. This picture of an autumn beech tree at one of my favourite locations, Westonbirt Arboretum, is a typical example of my work.”
One Man and his Boat
Artist: Paul Patterson
“My love of the Isles of Scilly followed many family holidays there and I became fascinated by the colours and textures of the islands, the sea and by the activities of the islanders: in particular their love and dependence on their boats. My picture is attempt to explore that relationship.”
Leopard Portrait
Artist: Delia Poulton
“I first joined the Thornbury Art Club in the 1980's and over the years have seen it grow from strength to strength. I have had the opportunity to try different media styles, and now my preferred subjects are animals, both wildlife and pets, or landscapes, using either acrylics or pastels.”
Blakeney, Norfolk
Artist: Una Press
“I started watercolour painting classes when we moved back to Gloucester in 2000, after a spell in Hertfordshire. I am a member of the Thornbury Art Club, my inspiration being the West Country landscape together with North Norfolk where I holiday with two of my children who also live there.”
Wild Roses
Artist: Sue Punton
“Being a member of Thornbury Art Club has been really inspirational in having the opportunity of seeing different artists and observing their various ways of working. Also its very good to meet people and make friends with those who share a real interest in all aspects of art. I have been fortunate in attending some of the workshops which have helped in painting some of my pictures.”
Silver Tureen with Lobster
Artist: Christine Russell
“I joined Thornbury Art Club in the early eighties and developed my obsession with painting quite early on! Since that time, which includes my 20+ years as a professional artist, I have formed many enduring friendships, sustained by the greatest thing we all have in common: our love of art.”
A New Artist's Tale
Artist: Andy Sherriff
“Caught out in drag,
At Rocky Horror Show,
I was snapped.
First ever acrylic workshop,
Featuring portrait,
I needed that photo.
My first acrylic, my first portrait:
Indeed self portrait:
As an alter ego!
Cheekily I submitted –
My beginner's artistic effort,
To 'Summer Exhibition'.
'What if? I pondered.
'Royal Academy chose me,
From many others?'
Well maybe next time.”
Lino cut
Mid-March, R.S.P.B. Ynys-hir
Artist: Elizabeth Smith
“Trying to capture the mood of the countryside and it's wildlife, especially birds, is the challenge I most enjoy in my artwork. Using lino cut gouges and the bold colours of printing ink enables me to produce naïve pictures. Sharing ideas, knowledge and experiences with fellow Club members is invaluable and great fun.”
Un Papillon
Artist: Eliane Taylor
“I love butterflies. One teacher told us 'Never, never copy from a photograph, just paint what you see.' I tried: Oh Lord, did I not try. You see one, you tiptoe close to it, take your pencil, paper, look at it and it's gone! I hate butterflies!”
Looking Towards Newlyn
Artist: Olwen Tennant
“This painting was made from my photograph taken from the causeway to St. Michael's Mount, which is off to the left. My friend and I subsequently had a lovely morning on the mount then the afternoon in Newlyn. I think that the fact that I was very happy shows in my picture. (One does best what one loves.)”
Berber Guides in the High Atlas
Artist: Wendy Titterton
“My daughter went trekking in the Atlas Mountains in Morocco and brought back some very interesting photos, this one amongst them. I found the different faces and their expressions fascinating. I enjoy working with charcoal, pastels and acrylics and am interested in painting landscape, people, portraits and still life.”
Gone Fishing
Artist: John Toller (1935-2014)
“This painting is a favourite because it combines his love of the outdoor life, fishing, fly tying, and painting. John was a valued member of the Club, and we are pleased to include his painting. He died as plans were being set up for this book. He was posthumously awarded a National Volunteer award for his work in the community.”
Berber Guides in the High Atlas
Artist: Valerie Vizard
“I joined Thornbury Art Club a few years ago and found it inspiring. The atmosphere in our group is always friendly, encouraging and extremely entertaining. Quite a diverse group, we work mainly in watercolour, acrylic and pastel and cover just about every subject matter.”
Sunshine at Applecross
Artist: Megan Walden
“After training at Coventry School of Art in the 50's, I spent most of my working life as a commercial artist and later taught drawing and calligraphy for several years at adult education centres. Following retirement, I fulfilled a long held wish to explore writing which was completely absorbing for many years. Then the opportunity to study water colour painting came along. It has been a huge but enjoyable challenge and there is still so much to learn!”
Artist: David Whitnell
“I am a member of Thursday studio group, and this is my daughter's cat Jasmine painted in acrylic as a Christmas present. I mostly paint portraits of people and animals.”
Abbey's Stern
Artist: Pat Williams
“Abbey's Stern stands proud against the backdrop of the semi wild Severn and its marshy banks. Watercolour captures the constant weathering of the metal and wood of this majestic structure. In a few decades all that will be left will be our pictures and their stories.”
Artist: Colin Wise
“A drawback of coming rather late to art is that you cannot attempt everything and I have focused on life studies. I use various mediums and prefer to work fairly quickly, though it tends to mean that I rarely finish anything. This picture is a recent 15-minute pose in pastel.”
Porlock Weir, Somerset
Artist: Dorothy Amphlett
“A painting recently done from a pencil sketch I made on holiday. Although I take photographs of the scene for reference. This painting was completed in pastel but I like to do an underpainting using watercolour as this can be effective if allowed to show through the pastel.”
The Lavender Field
Artist: Miriam Barnes
“I came to Thornbury five years ago and the first, and best, decision I made was to join the Thornbury Art Club! The monthly meetings are both informative and very sociable, and the weekly Studio Sessions make me get out my painting things on a regular basis!”
Still Life
Artist: Harry Bell
“This is one of my favourite paintings because it was the first picture I painted when I joined the club in 1987.”
Pastel pencils
Waiting for the Visitors
Artist: Norma Blenkiron
“We've been visiting The Wildfowl Trust at Slimbridge, as members, ever since we came to Thornbury in 1962. This particular spot is almost the same as when we first came – it has hardly changed. I recreated it in pastels for this picture. I am enjoying attending a studio group again.”
Self Portrait
Artist: Leon Blunos
“Oh my, Oh my how time flies... From an old cinema to a room in the Chantry and after building our studio in the car park, we wrote the constitution and Thornbury Artists were born. From a little acorn a big oak tree has grown. Thornbury Art Club has come a long way since. May it continue to prosper in the future.”
The Bench
Artist: Alan Cadman
“I completed this watercolour painting some time ago but it remains one of my favourites. It depicts a bench at Westonbirt Arboretum after a heavy fall of snow. Currently I'm painting a Jack Vetteriano style with much encouragement from the Monday morning group – a great bunch of people!”
Siberian Tiger
Artist: Joan Cole
“My interest in art started at very early age. My favourite mediums are watercolour and pastels. This Siberian tiger was created using pastels and was inspired by my love of cats.”
The New Review
Artist: Pauline Darley
“I wanted to attempt a cubist painting so I assembled a still life using the sort of subject matter used by Picasso and Braque. The shapes are painted in flat colour, which takes a long time as some are small and fiddly. Belonging to Thornbury Art Club keeps me going.”
Watercolour and acrylic ink
From the Sea
Artist: Rita Dee
“Artwork inspired by elements of landscape and nature, interpreted through drawings, paintings and mixed media. Both representational and more abstract images.”
Silk painting
Hay Fever
Artist: Mary Drown
“Experimenting with colour, pattern and fabrics has always been a major influence in the artwork I make. I particularly enjoy manipulating the special qualities and vibrant shades of silk paint on fine silk textiles, producing unique combinations of line and colour.”
Heavy Swell
Artist: Valerie Ebbs
“I belong to the Monday morning painting group which I thoroughly enjoy. Unfortunately I am unable to attend the lectures and demos on the first Wednesday of the month due to other commitments. I have been a member for many years and am pleased to be able to display my watercolours at the club's annual show.”
Supper's on the Way
Artist: Colin Evans
“I have been a member of the club for over ten years. I use watercolours and sometimes pen and wash, my preferences are skies and boats.”
Moelwyns, Snowdonia
Artist: Lewis Green
“A memory of our love affair with fell walking for many years in Snowdonia. Landscape is my favourite painting topic.”
Catch me if You Can
Artist: Heather Griffiths
“We watched these girls having such a New Year fun at St Ives. They laughed as they ran away from each chasing wave. I just had to attempt to paint the memory when I returned home. Normally I paint flowers or landscapes in Water Colour. This was an experiment at children in Pastels.”
Mill House, Brecon
Artist: Tony Hall
“I have always enjoyed looking at art and was inspired to try myself after attending a Ron Ransom workshop using a big brush. Joining Thornbury Art Club after my retirement gave me the opportunity to meet other artists and to exhibit. My main subjects are landscapes painted in acrylics.”
Thornbury Golf Course
Artist: Maureen Hawker
“When I retired, never having painted before, I decided to have a go! Later I joined Thornbury Art Club and continued to enjoy my hobby. I especially like landscapes and working in oils, but I have also tried working in pastel and acrylics. This painting was for my husband – a golfer!”