Paul Weaver about Acrylics and Landscapes
We all enjoyed the latest event at one of our monthly Club Nights. Last Tuesday, the 24th of October one of our favourite artists Paul Weaver came to talk about his techniques in acrylics and landscapes.
The room was filled with enthusiastic listeners. The ones who came in last had to pull out some additional chairs. This is how popular Mr Weaver is in Thornbury.
We started at 7 and watched Paul drawing a sketch with charcoal first. He explained how important it is to make a plan before we start. We learned how to plan out the composition which doesn’t have to stick to the reference picture. And we learned how to plan the values while still just using charcoal.
In no time the sketch was ready and Paul started with a first layer of paint….all in red. Minutes later he his brush danced over the canvas and a few dozen of confident brush strokes later the raough version in colour was ready. Just in time for the break and of course for tea and buiscuits.
The audience carefully listening to Paul Weaver
This is how the ready picture looked like